REDCap Resource Centre


Welcome to CRU’s REDCap Resource Centre!

The CRU is a core faculty resource at the University of Calgary’s Cumming School of Medicine

Learn how to get started with REDCap at the CRU, get help building & managing projects, & expand your skills with REDCap’s basic and advanced functionalities

REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-based application designed exclusively to support data capture for clinical research studies, allowing users to build and manage online surveys and databases.  REDCap is specifically customized to support online data capture for clinical research studies, including Health Information ACT (HIA), Health Canada (HC), and Good Clinical Practice (GCP) compliant environments. CRU adheres to the Information Security Classification Standard for data as being used by the University of Calgary for faculties and research departments. Our system protects Level 4 data which are restricted to use by anyone. CRU provides services to academic institutions, research centers, academic health centers, and clinics to build surveys, forms, and databases in REDCap.

Below are the CRU, University of Calgary REDCap resources that will help you get started with REDCap and understand the basic and advanced features.

Quick Helpful REDCap Links

CRU Resources

Access the CRU’s REDCap instance at:

Complete our intake survey to request a new REDCap user account or project creation. Help guides:

CRU’s REDCap Services and Pricing information

CRU Service Desk for REDCap support requests

CRU Support/Help email: 

About the CRU, Cumming School of Medicine - University of Calgary

General REDCap Resources

REDCap Introductory Videos

REDCap Consortium (national website)


Thank you to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) whose REDCap Resource Center inspired us to launch our own!

Many of our functionality support pages excerpt CCHMC’s content. We acknowledge and thank the CCHMC for allowing us to borrow their content.