Record Status Dashboard Not Loading?

Issue: Record Status Dashboard is no longer loading.

This can happen occasionally in studies with a large number of participants and/or instruments/events

Resolution: You can specify a set number of records to load per page using a customized URL. The default setting on the Dashboard is set to 100 records per page, but you can force load a number of your choice by using the below URL as a template.


The above link will load 10 records on project pid 661. You can use this template for your own project, substituting your project’s PID number and the number of records of your choice.

  • Find your Project PID number at the end of the project URL when viewed from the project home page and replace 661 in the link above with that number.
  • Then choose the number of records you want to load on a single page.
  • Paste this new URL into your browser and your Dashboard should load.
  • You can then customize the Dashboard settings to show a number of records that loads without difficulty.

For additional assistance, please contact the