Change or Reset Password

From the Login Page

Click Forgot your password? to start REDCap Password Recovery. Once you enter your username, an email to the primary email address associated with your account.

REDCap Password Recovery page

Click ‘Set your new REDCap password’ to create a new password for your account. Note that the new password must be different from the last five (5) passwords associated with your account.

Reset password email

Once your new password is set, you can log in as normal.

If an email does not arrive, the username may be incorrect, or the primary email address associated with your account is different from what you expected. Contact our support desk at

From within REDCap

Once logged into REDCap, visit the Home page or My Profile page. Click Profile in the top right corner.

Under Login-related options click Reset password. Note that the new password must be different from the last five (5) passwords associated with your account.

Still having trouble?

If you cannot complete any of these steps, for whatever reason, please email the University of Calgary Clinical Research Unit (CRU) support desk at or if urgent call us at (403) 210-3845. Please note that we will still need an email sent to the support desk as we must document all requests.

The CRU does not delete any REDCap accounts for any reason.  If your username is not recognized then you may be on the wrong website.  Please verify with your Project Manager or Principal Investigator before reaching out to the CRU support desk.