Available External Modules

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Auto Populate Fields

  • This module provides rich control of default values for data entry fields via a set of action tags. These action tags allow fields to be populated based on values from an ordered list of fields and static values. The fields can be read from the current event or the previous event in longitudinal projects. View documentation.

  • By Philip Chase (University of Florida - CTSI), Taryn Stoffs (University of Florida - CTSI), Kyle Chesney (University of Florida - CTSI)


  • Generate event schedules for project records automatically on record/event/field save. View documentation.

  • By Luke Stevens (Murdoch Children's Research Institute)

Form Field Tooltip

Image Map

  • This module replaces an input, radio, or checkbox field with an interactive image where users can click on image regions to select one or more field options. View documentation.

  • by Andy Martin (Stanford University), Philip B. Chase (University of Florida - CTSI)

Instance Table

  • Use the action tag @INSTANCETABLE=form_name in a descriptive text field to include a table showing data from repeat instances of that form. If project is longitudinal, use @INSTANCETABLE=event_name:form_name to specify the event and form (can be a repeating form or a form in a repeating event). View documentation.

  • by Luke Stevens (Murdoch Children's Research Institute)

Show By Roles

Simple Ontology

  • This module allows the creation of a custom set of ‘ontologies’ (autocomplete functionality for text fields). View documentation.

  • by David Conlan (Commonwealth Science & Industrial Research Organisation)

Unique Action Tag

  • This module provides action tags that make fields unique in data entry View documentation.

  • by Ekin Tertemiz (Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (STPH))

Locking API