Getting Started With Project Design


Newly-created projects have one form (Form 1) containing one field (Record ID)

Using the Online Designer

Navigate to the Online Designer using the ‘Designer’ button in the lefthand menu.

Click a form’s name to enter the editing mode for that form.

Understanding how REDCap stores your data

REDCap stores your data using variable names and codes. In the above screenshot, the Record ID field has the variable name ‘record_id’.

The record_id field is how REDCap links the data belonging to a singular record. Each record must have a unique record id

By default, records are automatically numbered upon creation (starting with record 1). This can be changed in Project Setup > Enable optional modules and customizations > Auto-numbering for records

  1. The Field Type changes how REDCap stores your data.
    For a multiple-choice question, REDCap stores the choice code. For checkboxes, it stores whether the checkbox’s choice was selected. For text and notes, REDCap stores the text that was entered.

  2. The Field Label is what is seen on data entry by the study team/participant.

  3. Choices appear for multiple-choice and checkbox questions. They must be given codes (Ex.1, 0, 88) for REDCap to store. The choice code is also used for branching logic.
    On data entry, only the choice label is seen (Ex. Yes, No, Unknown)

  4. The Variable Name is now REDCap identifies one field from another. The names must be unique and cannot be changed once the project is in production mode. Variable names should be somewhat descriptive so they can be easily identified in data analysis.

Using the Data Dictionary

The data dictionary is an optional method available in project design. It may be faster or easier to use for certain tasks than the Online Designer.

Navigate to the Data Dictionary using the ‘Dictionary’ button in the lefthand menu.

The Data Dictionary is a more advanced method that allows you to view/edit all of your project instruments in a single CSV file. Once you're familiar with how REDCap formats CSV files, you can:

  • Download the Data Dictionary as a CSV and make changes to multiple parts of the instrument(s) at once.

  • Upload the new CSV version into the same project or a different project.

  • REDCap will ask you to "Commit Changes" once you upload the new Data Dictionary -- the new Data Dictionary will completely overwrite your existing instruments, so you want to be sure you've uploaded the right file.